Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Poem

The Song of Elie
Elie's faith in God is like a bird.
When it's first born, it's stronger than ever
Curious and excited to see new things
Happy, loving, beautiful, and faithful
Soaring freely in a sky of new possibilities
Has others to look up to and learn new things from
As the bird gets older, everything seems to slow down
It begins to weaken and give up until there is nothing left to keep it going.

My first poem I'm putting on here is a poem I wrote in eighth grade about the author Elie Wiesel. I read his book Night and I fell in love with it. He was a Holocast survivor and his book is about his experiences in the concentration camps and the road to get there. He talks about how being there made him lose his strong faith in God. This poem is about how he used to have a relationship with God but it died during the Holocaust. Seeing his family being murdered and starved made him think that is there really was a God, He would not be hurting him like this.
I compared Elie's faith to a bird because when a bird is born it is full of life and takes in everything around it. It learns from the other birds and follows them throughout its life. A bird is similar to Elie's childhood in the Holocaust because Elie was also lively and full of energy. He was learning new things and that is when his faith in God started. He followed his parents and other family members, even through the concentration camps. When his family was killed, he had no one to follow and no one to believe in and he lost his faith
I think I did a fairly good job writing this poem. I like the meaning it holds and how I compared Elie to a bird. I think i could have found something better to compare it to, however, the idea of the bird still makes sense to me.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

About Me!

Hello, I'm Kelly. I'm in high school and i have to make this blog for creative writing. I've never made one before so I don't really know what to say. I'm a senior at Northview High School and I really like it here but it will be nice to graduate. I don't play any sports, but if i did, i would like to play soccer. I used to play but I quit before high school. My favorite color is pink. My favorite television shows are Gossip Girl and anything on Disney Channel. I rarely watch movies but my favorite would have to be The Notebook. I also don't read very much but I love the Twilight series. I love hanging out with my friends and I have a great family. That's it for now!!!